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Please note there are more businesses listed in the navigation area, just use the drop down on 'Our Businesses' to see the complete list.
We sometimes find people are searching for information that we haven’t got yet, so why not put your business on the site with a FREE entry.
Shops, salons, cafés, pubs, takeaways and restaurants and other businesses in and around Tiptree, are invited to contact Sue Allen-Shepherd, sue.shepherd@talk21.com, and give some of the following information:
- A brief description of the business including its products, services, specialities and unique selling points (USPs). Please note this should be in an informational format not an advert.
- Opening hours.
- The name & address (including postcode) of the business.
- Contact details (e.g. name / phone / email / website)
- A small iconic photo (a representative photo of the shop or product or a logo)
As well as this base of community information, the intention is to build up more information about Tiptree, the local environment and local business. If anybody else could provide some useful information about Tiptree, please get in touch with Sue.
If you like, you can send your info as attachments to an email. Word documents or rich text files accepted.
You can download this information as a PDF
- Home
- Tiptree Places
Our Businesses
- Arts, Crafts & Culture
- Cafe, Deli, Pub, Restaurant, Take-Away
- Car, Bike, Garage
- Charity
- Child Minding, Day-Nursery
- Cleaning
- Clothes & Accessories
- DIY & Building Supplies
- Electrical, Gas & Plumbing Services
- Estate Agency, Property & Financial Services
- Food & Drink
- Graphic Design, ICT and Websites
- Garden
- Health & Beauty
- Legal Services
- Optician & Hearing
- Painting, Decorating & Building Services
- Removals and Clearance
- Shops
- Supermarkets
- Taxi & Private Hire
- Veterinary & Animals
- Our Organisations
- Our Village Services
- Appeals
- Special Events
- Transport
- Noticeboard
- New Event List Page
- About Us
- Contact Us